Yosep María Valerio

Yosep María Valerio

Administrative Management, Communication and Marketing M.Res, M.Com, B. Aj.


Degree in Social Communication and Journalism from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Master in Applied Research in Media, from the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), Master in Marketing and Electronic Commerce from the EAE Business School.

With extensive experience in different companies in Spain, the Dominican Republic and Hong Kong, in administrative areas and project management, public relations, and marketing and written and television media.

At geointec he has managed projects in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asutralia and the Middle East.


Administrative Management and teamwork90%
Project management and event organization90%
Communication and marketing95%
Social Networks for Business90%

Contact Info

Phone : (34) 616 507 521
Email : yvalerio@geointec.string-projects.com