Quality Policy

Quality Policy and Environmental Management

Our quality and environmental management system guides us to make improvements in order to satisfy our customers. This is done by complying with the legal or regulatory requirements established by the customer, which are necessary to guarantee production, and by absolutely controlling the activities developed that may have an impact on the environment within the company’s capabilities. Our policy is based on the following commitments:

  • Commitment of the management to the successful implementation of the Quality and Environmental Management System and to the continuous improvement of the results.
  • Commitment to comply with all legal, contractual, or other requirements that apply on the basis of our business, both in terms of our services and the environmental scope of our activities, so that our performance in no case violates the legal requirements and the requirements established by the various authorities.
  • Commitment to carry out our work in a management environment that ensures the continuous improvement of our processes, our working methods, and our relations with stakeholders, by setting and regularly reviewing our quality and environmental objectives.
  • Commitment to protect the environment and our surroundings by taking measures aimed at preventing any pollution that may result from our activities.
  • Commitment to promote the understanding and dissemination of our Quality and Environmental Management Policy within the organization.
  • Commitment to effective control of all our activities.
  • Commitment to promote environmental awareness in their environment through continuous training of employees and constant communication with suppliers and customers.
  • Commitment to provide and make known our Quality and Environmental Management Policy to stakeholders for their information and to keep it up to date, implemented and documented.