
Thermosolar and Wind Projects
Embark on a journey with us as we spearhead a revolutionary wind repowering survey in Aragon, Spain Picture this: Over twenty aging turbines, each generating under 1 MW, are about to make way for a dynamic fleet of modern giants – a dozen larger turbines, each exceeding a remarkable 4 MW. We provide on-site ground...
The retrospective study or "Back Analysis" is an effective method that allows to analyze the resistance of the land and to obtain, using the results from the load tests or "Pull Out Tests”, certain geotechnical parameters of the selected area for the construction.
Project: Investig. suelos contaminados Location: Palma del Río, Cordoba, España Use two fingers to move the map
Project: Thermosolar Location: Los Yébenes, Toledo, España Use two fingers to move the map