

GEOINTEC is a company specialized in the field of geotechnics, hydrology, hydraulics, topography and environmental soundings. Our dedication to engineering in the sectors of renewable energies, building and civil works, is already long and is supported by the training and extensive experience of our technical team. Currently our company provides services in the following areas:

  • Geological and Geotechnical Consulting and Engineering.

– Studies for renewable energy projects (large, medium and small scale photovoltaic solar parks, solar thermal plants, wind farms and energy storage facilities).
– Geotechnical studies for power transmission and distribution linear infrastructures. Geotechnical, hydrological, hydraulic and topographical studies for electrical substations and high and medium voltage lines.
– Geotechnical studies for construction projects according to international standards.
– Linear infrastructures (LAV, Highways, Roads). Geology annexes, geotechnical corridor studies, geotechnical studies for structures, materials annexes.

  • Hydrology, hydraulics and drainage projects.
    Topography with conventional techniques, drone and lidar.
    Contaminated soil exploration.
  • Our technical team is characterized by a high degree of commitment to the client, extensive experience, high professional level and long permanence in the company. It consists of a large team of geologists, master in geotechnical engineering, civil engineers and technicians specialized in the field of geotechnics and geophysics.

Our work is not only focused on geotechnical studies for the study phase of the projects, but also reaches the execution and exploitation phase. That is why our technicians have a global vision, being able to anticipate possible pathologies and execution problems, by means of an adequate plan of geotechnical investigations, thus anticipating geotechnical problems before they occur.

GEOINTEC has carried out more than 3,000 studies, located in more than 50 countries and spread over 5 continents.