
Recent news
Among the range of services that GEOINTEC offers in the area of geotechnics and geophysics for renewable energies and power facilites, there are also soil studies for substations and transmission lines. The studies related to the substation and evacuation lines have special relevance in the construction stage of the project, and require a...
The retrospective study or "Back Analysis" is an effective method that allows to analyze the resistance of the land and to obtain, using the results from the load tests or "Pull Out Tests”, certain geotechnical parameters of the selected area for the construction.
Hydrological studies and preliminary hydraulics are important to determine the feasibility and costs of civil works.
Geointec performs its first geotechnical study in Madagascar For the first time, Geointec moves to the Antananarivo area to carry out a geotechnical study.   The beginning of preliminary work for the realization of a pioneering photovoltaic project, in the area of Talata – Volondry, and near the city of Antananarivo in Madagascar, required the...
Pull Out Test in Egypt Geotechnical studies were carried out in the Benban area.   As part of the work carried out by Geointec at an international level, and thanks to the request of different companies, who place their trust in our capacity and experience in the geotechnical sector. During 2017, we carried out five...
GEOINTEC a réalisé une étude préliminaire pour l’implantation de la ligne de transmission d’un projet photovoltaïque pionnier à Madagascar. Notre équipe technique réalise sur le terrain la cartographie géologique et divers types de tests géotechniques le long des 17 km de l’itinéraire prévu pour la ligne électrique projetée, avec l’idée de fournir au client des...
We hope you have a prosperous year 2018. Therefore, we want to share with you the following video with our Christmas greeting. Happy Holidays!
Geotechnical and load tests for PMGD in Chile. More than 20 geotechnical studies were carried out in different cities of the Chilean territory. Geointec, through its Chilean subsidiary Geointec SpA, executed more than 20 geotechnical studies in projects of photovoltaic plants for small distributed generation media (PMGD). The different geotechnical studies that were carried out...
GEOINTEC returns strongly to the Spanish renewable market.   After the hard work he has done in different projects around the world. 2017 is the year in which Geointec has returned with strength to work in the Spanish territory, and never better said, has returned to its roots to resume the market of Geotechnics in...
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