The Energyear tour will take place in Buenos Aires, Medellin, Madrid, Dominican Republic and Mexico during 2019

On July the 3rd and 4th, the Energyear Mediterranean 2019 conference was held and Madrid was the city selected to host dozens of companies related to the renewable energy sector, from the countries that make up the Mediterranean area. Geointec we were there, to find out about all the new proposals.

More than 350 experts from the renewable energy market gathered at the Intercontinental Hotel to discuss aspects that affect the sector and to share and take advantage of the opportunities that are expected with the revival of the market, not only in Spain, but also in the countries like Portugal and Italy.

With an agenda full of conferences and debates, the main topics focused on the future of renewable energy companies, the revolution of the solar sector, the perspectives of the renewable sector in the Mediterranean, the opportunities of the wind sector, the role of technology in renewable projects, among others.

The international image of the Spanish solar industry and the experience acquired through the work carried out in major renewable projects around the world was also highlighted.

Other Brushstrokes:

  • The participation of the different speakers and the discussions that took place during the conference left a trail of positivism about the situation of the Spanish renewable market in the coming years.


  • The debate on public policy perspectives and the regulatory framework make it clear that work is being done to meet the objectives of the percentage and consumption of clean energy that will be generated in the coming years.


  • The importance of innovation in the use of the latest technological developments was discussed, including the use of bifacial modules, battery storage, etc.

Geointec was present at the ENERGYEAR conference not only to learn about the latest updates of the renewable energy market, but also to share with customers and suppliers their work experience in the markets under discussion.